Ligia Barroso
Ligia Saraiva Barroso is the Founder of Saraiva Barroso Law Firm, and holds a Master of Intellectual Property Law from the University of Lisbon - UL. She has specialized in Immigration and Intellectual Property, and has been working in this field for over 12 years. In addition to her work as a lawyer, Barroso has also been a professor at the MBA course at the University of Fortaleza in Brazil and the University 7 de Setembro in Brazil. She has given speeches and other summer courses at prestigious organizations in the State of Ceará, Piauí and Sergipe in Brazil. She has also given a speech at the TEDx Fortaleza in 2014, showcasing her expertise and passion for her work. Ligia Saraiva Barroso is the author of the books "Bancos de Dados e sua proteção jurídica no Direito Brasileiro", "Mundos Virtuais: uma análise sociojurídica", "Bases de dados e o Direito da Tecnologia: A proteção jurídica destinada às bases de dados no Direito Brasileiro".
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At the TEDx Fortaleza 2014, Ligia Saraiva Barroso, the founder of Saraiva Barroso Law Firm, gave a speech about the Marco Civil, a Brazilian law that focuses on protecting the rights of internet users. She discussed how the law was created through a collaborative effort between the government, civil society, and the private sector, and how it has helped to establish Brazil as a leader in internet governance.
She also emphasized the importance of the law in ensuring freedom of expression and privacy online, and how it has helped to promote innovation and economic growth in the country. Overall, her speech highlighted the significance of the Marco Civil in protecting the rights of internet users in Brazil.